1. How are you feeling? bleh! I'm trying to avoid an asthma attack getting worse at the moment. I haven't had one in quite a while but today painting and allergies got the better of me. So I'm feeling a little odd.
2. How is/was the weather today? It was beautiful! 80's with a slight breeze!
3. What happened this morning? Depends on what time "morning" started. I had a very long night with a toddler. So lets start there. Joy didn't want to go to sleep so she stayed up with me until after 2:30 a.m. I just knew she would fall asleep way before then but no. She played with her toys while I worked on marketing and website things. Around 1 a.m. or so she went over to her toy box took some toys out, turned the light off behind her and started walking back over to me. The moment she headed my way a toy fell from being off balanced in the toy box and it startled her enough to make her scream extremely loud enough to wake one of her sisters up who was sleeping upstairs. She was scared and I rushed to her. My heart about lept out of my chest at that scream. It was completely unexpected and unlike her. So I scooped her up in her yelling fit and calmed her down. Then we went over slowly to examine the toys. She held on tight and loosened her grip as she realize nothing was over there. So we went back over to the couches. She watched Backyardigans on the ipad while I worked a bit. Every so often she would look up and say, "Mommy, I'm not scared anymore." I'd say, "That's good!" When we finally went to bed she sat up in our bed and stated, "I not go to bed. I want to go downstairs and play with toys." I rolled over and tried to go to sleep. She did this until she finally knocked out around 3 a.m. The Fia woke up in the 5 a.m. hour. Got up, made her a bottle (yes she still has a bottle at night as a bedtime routine.) and rocked her back to sleep. They slept until 9 a.m. then the day went on as usual. Green smoothies, kids doing chores, school work, yada yada.
4. What's on your mind? the time bed time will be tonight!
5. What positive things happened today? Well we got some painting in the old house done! Progress was made! Lots of positive things happen every day. Kids got school work done, they were obedient, had fun with them. God blessed us with life.
6. What things did you notice needed a change today? Things in the old house. My way of saying things, my motivation for marketing, the kids being an example to their younger siblings, by bedtime.
7. What things in the news made you happy? Not in the media, but I saw a photo of the Pure Natural Blends samples Ria posted on facebook for the Bus tour trip she organized!
8. What did you wear today? Pj's most of the day. For painting I wore a green shirt and grey "I've never seen a yoga class" pants.
9. What did you cook today and what's on the menu tomorrow? Today we had bratwurst for lunch and went to get fast food for dinner since we were painting. Tomorrow I'm going to fix a vegetarian dinner that is sort of alike a chunky vegetable with Alfredo sauce on pasta noodles. It's yummy. I made it up one day out of trying to think of something to eat. It's got eggplant, zucchini, yellow squash, onions, and mushrooms all sauteed together served on top of noodles and alfredo sauce.
10. What DIY recipe have you tried today? Didn't have one but saw one on facebook. Here it is, but this one I have not tried and can not tell you if it works or not. Another friend brought up the expensive of febreeze making it pointless to make in cost.
12. What did your kids do today? They did school work, chores, helped us paint, and the older ones looked after the little ones while we painted. They got on my nerves and made me laugh a lot more than annoyed me.
13. Where did you go today? We went to IL to paint the house, then to Dobbs to pick up the car.
14. Who touched your heart today? Helaina fell today and bruised her chin :( My girls in choosing their Samaritan's Purse charity goal.
15. Any spiritual topics on your mind? Giving and spiritual warfare.
16. Any new/completed Projects? No new, none completed yet.
17. Any progress on projects made? Yes, painting the old house. We are still working on the 1st floor. The mudroom, and bathroom needs to be painted. I'm still working on website and marketing.
18. Did you help anyone today? Not that I know of. My kids but that's it.
19. Any neat online finds? Not yet. Well I guess I did, I like that Samaritan's Purse has a way to help others in different countries. Oh and these detergent recipes.
20. Prayer for others: Father God, please help all those that have prayer requests. Please touch their individual situations and give them your blessings. Lord I as that you keep us all safe, healthy and give us wisdom. I thank you for those reading this and pray they will have a blessing as well. In Jesus name Amen.

2. How is/was the weather today? It was beautiful! 80's with a slight breeze!
3. What happened this morning? Depends on what time "morning" started. I had a very long night with a toddler. So lets start there. Joy didn't want to go to sleep so she stayed up with me until after 2:30 a.m. I just knew she would fall asleep way before then but no. She played with her toys while I worked on marketing and website things. Around 1 a.m. or so she went over to her toy box took some toys out, turned the light off behind her and started walking back over to me. The moment she headed my way a toy fell from being off balanced in the toy box and it startled her enough to make her scream extremely loud enough to wake one of her sisters up who was sleeping upstairs. She was scared and I rushed to her. My heart about lept out of my chest at that scream. It was completely unexpected and unlike her. So I scooped her up in her yelling fit and calmed her down. Then we went over slowly to examine the toys. She held on tight and loosened her grip as she realize nothing was over there. So we went back over to the couches. She watched Backyardigans on the ipad while I worked a bit. Every so often she would look up and say, "Mommy, I'm not scared anymore." I'd say, "That's good!" When we finally went to bed she sat up in our bed and stated, "I not go to bed. I want to go downstairs and play with toys." I rolled over and tried to go to sleep. She did this until she finally knocked out around 3 a.m. The Fia woke up in the 5 a.m. hour. Got up, made her a bottle (yes she still has a bottle at night as a bedtime routine.) and rocked her back to sleep. They slept until 9 a.m. then the day went on as usual. Green smoothies, kids doing chores, school work, yada yada.
4. What's on your mind? the time bed time will be tonight!
5. What positive things happened today? Well we got some painting in the old house done! Progress was made! Lots of positive things happen every day. Kids got school work done, they were obedient, had fun with them. God blessed us with life.
6. What things did you notice needed a change today? Things in the old house. My way of saying things, my motivation for marketing, the kids being an example to their younger siblings, by bedtime.
7. What things in the news made you happy? Not in the media, but I saw a photo of the Pure Natural Blends samples Ria posted on facebook for the Bus tour trip she organized!
8. What did you wear today? Pj's most of the day. For painting I wore a green shirt and grey "I've never seen a yoga class" pants.
9. What did you cook today and what's on the menu tomorrow? Today we had bratwurst for lunch and went to get fast food for dinner since we were painting. Tomorrow I'm going to fix a vegetarian dinner that is sort of alike a chunky vegetable with Alfredo sauce on pasta noodles. It's yummy. I made it up one day out of trying to think of something to eat. It's got eggplant, zucchini, yellow squash, onions, and mushrooms all sauteed together served on top of noodles and alfredo sauce.
10. What DIY recipe have you tried today? Didn't have one but saw one on facebook. Here it is, but this one I have not tried and can not tell you if it works or not. Another friend brought up the expensive of febreeze making it pointless to make in cost.
Carpet Shampoo Solution:11. What new thing did you learn today? I learned that I have made up my mind about something I've wavered back and forth about. Today after coming home from the house in IL, moving back to the IL home is not an option. I'm solid on that. The kids allergies flared up and I was fighting off an asthma attack that was sort of winning. I took my inhaler and that made my mind up. No move back to the IL house, we will be staying in MO.
1 cup oxiclean*1 cup febreze*1 cup distilled white vinegar*The homemade versions work fabulously!
Pour contents into shampooer tub and mix with hot water to fill tub completely. This will not only clean your carpets it will also deodorize. It will smell slightly of vinegar until the carpet is dry.
Be sure to test spot with the solution just to be safe, however this should be safe for ALL carpets.
12. What did your kids do today? They did school work, chores, helped us paint, and the older ones looked after the little ones while we painted. They got on my nerves and made me laugh a lot more than annoyed me.
13. Where did you go today? We went to IL to paint the house, then to Dobbs to pick up the car.
14. Who touched your heart today? Helaina fell today and bruised her chin :( My girls in choosing their Samaritan's Purse charity goal.
15. Any spiritual topics on your mind? Giving and spiritual warfare.
16. Any new/completed Projects? No new, none completed yet.
17. Any progress on projects made? Yes, painting the old house. We are still working on the 1st floor. The mudroom, and bathroom needs to be painted. I'm still working on website and marketing.
18. Did you help anyone today? Not that I know of. My kids but that's it.
19. Any neat online finds? Not yet. Well I guess I did, I like that Samaritan's Purse has a way to help others in different countries. Oh and these detergent recipes.
20. Prayer for others: Father God, please help all those that have prayer requests. Please touch their individual situations and give them your blessings. Lord I as that you keep us all safe, healthy and give us wisdom. I thank you for those reading this and pray they will have a blessing as well. In Jesus name Amen.

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