FOR TODAY... I'm late night blogging again.
Outside my window...Well It's a night time scene. I'm in my usual spot with my back turned away. I should really change that because I like looking outside. All clear. It was a nice day today. Warm enough for the kids to play outside. Warmer weather is coming, but my grandmother always says there is a freeze before Easter. Easter is on the 31st this year.
I am thinking...About looking to see if there will be a freeze in the forecast or has it already happened. I'm also annoyed at my rocking chair squeaking Ugh. Well at least it motivated me to move to another spot allowing me to see the twinkling lights outside. Oh and there is also the question of what to do this Saturday. I'm so excited yet worried about having a home business. I just hope people don't think my products are garbage.
I am thankful...
For God's way of reaching my heart. There were some changes made in me today. You know how you are confronted with the ugly side of yourself and God says hey... that's you. That happened to me today. I was able to let go and forgive. This was huge! I mean a huge weight off of my shoulders. The offense was what it was and is where it is, in the past. My heart is changed. I can now pray for the person, I can actually pray they have blessings. Before I just didn't care one way or another. Letting go doesn't mean you validate their wrong, it just means that you no longer hold that in your heart as important. It doesn't rule you. It's no longer as big as it once was. You don't give it power that it doesn't deserve. You can see past it and move forward. It's like caring a back pack that is dirty and heavy. It might even leak sometimes. You stop it up at random times by what ever emotional reaction would work. Then it leaks again. Today I put that back pack down. I dropped the dirty mess. I might even unpack it and deal with individual memories and cast them away. *Poof* to each one. Today instead of pointing the finger, I was able to see me, and my faults. It stinks to see that, but it sure helps you to change for the better. In the past week I made some pretty life changing promises to my kids and husband. See my problem is my mouth. I can say things in a very wrong way with the right motive. Even though the motive is "right" the words are wrong. The words are what they hear and the words are what hurts. So I took steps to correct the annoying things I say. I can do it. I know now that I can because God has made those things I thought were justifiable, wrong and ugly. I don't want to go there anymore. As hard as it may be, it's a good thing. Change is good... for everyone! Here's to a happier nicer me!
In the kitchen...There is a mess. It's from food and me working to make products. Our kitchen is a highly traveled area. Tonight it was were we all stopped to talk about the dance the teens went to. I sit on the floor with the little ones and do whatever they wish. We have our Gangnam Style dance moments usually initiated by baby Fia. It's a meeting place. It's a eating place. It's a messy place.
I am wearing... My favorite grey shirt and yellow PJ pants. lol I'm always stylish!
I am creating... New products, a better life, a brighter future, good memories... I'm creating a blog post.
I am going... To bed soon.
I am wondering...
Off into a new area of life.
I am reading...
My screen.
I am hoping... To be a successful person in motherhood. I want my kids to speak fondly of me. I want my kids to know I taught them right. I'm hoping my business will take off and do well.
I'm hoping to move out of the Midwest soon.
I am looking forward to... Going to sleep. You know that just got into bed ahhhh feeling... yeah that!
I am learning I should change. I should not be afraid. I should do stuff regardless of what others "might" think.
 Around the house... There is family.
I am pondering... How early will the little ones wake up. The little ones feel asleep on the way home today in the car.
A favorite quote for today... I'll make mine up, "Today was a good day" and "Are You Rob Base?" LOL Thank you Ria for that laugh. She saw this paper someone wrote up at work.

One of my favorite things... My kids. Tonight we went grocery shopping with the little ones while the older ones were at their dance. Moments with the little ones...

A few plans for the rest of the week:Not to argue, and to enjoy it! Also to remember "I can't but God Can." |
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