As I sit here with a gloomy scenery behind me, I remember today is Good Friday and it is also Earth Day. I was watching the Early Show and they had their Earth Day segments of course. I came in late on the program so I don't know if they bothered to do a segment on Good Friday. The products shown on the show caught my eye. We do recycle daily in our home. I'm a use what we have in the house kind of thinker. I'm not as good as I want to be though. So my efforts in saving the Earth are small but we are doing something!
But can we actually "save" the Earth? Today is Good Friday. If you are like me, for many years I didn't know what Good Friday was. Good Friday is a holy day or holiday for people worldwide to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Jesus was crucified on Good Friday, and he rose again on Easter Sunday. These are days important in the life of a believer in Christ as we remember Christs sacrifice for the world. It's a weekend of remembering his undying love for us. Christ the savior saves all. I thank you my Lord for the priceless gift of salvation!
So speaking of saving, as a believer in Christ, Christ is my savior. Does that mean we don't need to do anything to preserve the gift of life, and the Earth God gave to us? Do we sit back and just do as we feel because after all Christ saves right? Well yes Christ saves however we are called to be good stewards right? We should tune in to the Earth Day awareness. As I was watching the Early show they had a few products I want to try. They mentioned a product called Replenish. Have a look at this video and visit their website to see this new option.
Interesting? I was! I was surprised to know that most of the cleaners only contain 5% of the cleaner and the rest water. Water is precious of course but do I really want to pay for water when I could add it for less at home? Another option is to make your own green cleaners. There are many sites online to make household cleaners. Check out or google "homemade cleaners".
Another product that caught my attention was the Pharox LED light bulb. I like this option better than the CFL lightbulbs because they don't contain mercury. We've tried the CFL bulbs and I haven't seen that their long lasting claims are guaranteed. We have had some go out in a short period of time. So have a look at this video about the LED light bulbs. I like that they use a lot less energy. Have a look at this video and visit their website to see this new option.
Method products were mentioned too. They highlighted the 50 load laundry detergent.

Speaking of plastic usage, my family watched a documentary called Tapped. We watched instantly on Netflix. Here is a trailer to the documentary. It did change the way we are thinking of bottled water. There is an innovative option to buying bottled water. It's called a filtered water bottle. Yes bottle with a water filter in it. It filters the water as you drink it. Neat? I thought so! I'm having to keep hydrated often during pregnancy and to have one of these on hand would be wonderful. You could fill up at a water fountain and have your filtered water. Check out for example. They aren't the only company that makes these water bottles. Target sells them in their sporting goods section. This link has a list of Top water filter bottles. Do a google search on "filtered water bottle" and see. I haven't searched out which one I'd prefer. There are different designs and I'm sure they come with pros and cons. I've been using my mug of water in the car but this water bottle would be nice!
If you'd like here is the Early Show segment. They rushed through the products on the video but have more information on their site here Earth Day Article
So while we remember the gift of salvation the Lord Jesus Christ gave us, lets be good stewards of the gift of life and Earth God gave us.
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